Getting a loan for commercial office space is not the same as acquiring loans for a residential property. Several businesses seek to get a loan for office space but do not know how to go about it. Acquiring a loan for a home is more popular, better, and more extensively given by banks and financial institutions. On the other hand, acquiring a loan for commercial space is difficult and the know-how of people in this regard is also rather restricted.

People tend to get overwhelmed when it comes to applying for loan for commercial property purchase India. Even if they are aware of the minute details of home loan application procedures, they seem to find funding office space or commercial units tough. Commercial real estate transactions can be either for office spaces or maybe even retail outlets like stores or shops. They could be ready to occupy or under construction.
Banks tend to be extra wary in granting loans for commercial property purchases. They are overly cautious commercial spaces that are currently being constructed. So, it is recommended that prior to applying for a loan, always check with your bank about the financing criteria and other requirements.
Here is a guide with all the details that investors need to keep in mind before applying for a loan for commercial property purchase.
First, you need to be eligible for applying for commercial real estate loans. Eligible applicants comprise both salaried and self-employed professionals. The latter category contains doctors, architects, engineers, chartered accountants, and lawyers. Traders, entrepreneurs, and contractors can also be eligible to apply for loans in this category.
Here’s a checklist to qualify for applying for a loan for commercial purchase.
- Make sure that the builder comes with a strong background and profile with a successful track record of delivery.
- Check the Title Deed of the commercial purchase. Make sure that it meets all official regulations and civic approvals.
- Ensure that you have a fair valuation of the commercial space in mind while asking for a loan.
- You need to have a good financial standing with a decent credit score, adequate monthly income, and other credentials.
- The age of the property needs to be in adherence with the criteria of the bank.
- Your commercial property needs to meet the minimum space criteria of the bank.
- All technical specifications of the commercial property need to be in place, with complete approval from the Government and other concerned and relevant authorities.
Once you have met the eligibility criteria, you can expect to get your loan approved with a reasonable interest rate. Loan for commercial property interest rates is generally up to 4-5% more than interest rates on residential properties, contingent upon the borrower’s credit history.
You can take the help of CRE Matrix, a leading real estate data analytics company India that can give you all the insights on loans that are taken for commercial properties across the country by numerous companies and the banks/NBBFC/funds that provided the loans to them. Users can evaluate and compare loans for commercial properties and do so much more on CRE Matrix platforms.
For more such exciting analysis and details on real estate, visit CRE Matrix.