Watson Pharma has leased 1,05,397 sqft built-up area in L & T Seawoods Grand Central, Tower 2, Navi Mumbai in first week of September 2017. Watson Pharma will be paying Rs 95 per sqft per month at an annual pay-out of Rs 12 crore to the landlord, L & T Seawoods for 10-year lease term. The tenant has negotiated 6-month rent free period for fit-outs. The lock-in period for tenant is 5 years while the landlord is locked in for the entire lease term. Additionally, tenant has to pay 6 months security deposit with additional tranches of security deposits at time of rental escalations to match the prevailing rental. Tenant will be facing escalation of 18.7% after 36 months. Further, Watson Pharma’s parent Teva is expected to rent an additional space of around 28,000 sqft built-up area in the same tower.
Featured in: Business Standard