Negotiating a lease for your business is not only a complicated procedure but if you’re a novice at it, you will most likely stumble into several new, possibly confusing concepts. One such term is common area maintenance (CAM). This is the fee that tenants pay in commercial leases for areas that are common to all renters.

What exactly are Common Area Maintenance (CAM) Charges?
There are numerous tenants in a commercial building and the shared areas need to be maintained regularly. A CAM (Common Area Maintenance) expense is a surplus expenditure, in addition to the base rent, paid jointly for the maintenance of the commonly owned premises like the lobbies, elevators, parking lot, laws, corridors, public bathrooms, and building security.
They are fees paid by tenants to landlords to assist in covering expenditures related to overhead and operating costs for common areas. CAM rates are generally described in the lease agreement to dispel any uncertainty as to what they might entail. It is vital to completely comprehend these charges prior to signing a new lease.
How is CAM Fee Computed?
At the commencement of every year, the property manager projects common area maintenance chargesfor the property in its entirety or a part of the yearly budget. Then, that CAM estimate is split correspondingly across the tenants in the building. Your percentage of the charges is gauged by dividing your square footage by the gross leasable portion of the building. This total cost is computed into your monthly operating outlay, so it can be paid in little increments all through the year.
Is CAM Fixed or Variable?
The CAM fees can either be ‘fixed’ or ‘variable’. The tenants need to get it incorporated in the lease agreement as to what type of common area maintenance charges they will have to pay – whether it is fixed or variable. If it is variable, then it must be explained on what factors the fees diverged. Then, it must also be included in the contract as to what percentage will the CAM fee be raised from one year to another. Tenants need to be aware if they are charged with ‘administrative fees’ apart from the CAM fees and what would be the separation of charges for the two.
Drawbacks to Avoid
Utmost care needs to be taken when consenting to the CAM charged by the tenant. It is highly recommended to scan through the financial documents of the landlord carefully to reach the accurate CAM fees or to clear out the anomalies in the CAM charges in real estate suggested. What encompasses common area maintenance charges is described roughly to pass on the operational expenses of the commercial building as much as possible to the tenants.
Unless the lease agreement specifies what comes under the CAM charges, the tenants are counseled prior to signing the lease agreement to get a clear understanding from the landlord about the following:
- Salaries of the supporting staff as well as the security guards in the common areas
- Insurance expenditures of the building
- Restoration and revamping of the building, parking lot, and any supplement to the building at a later stage such as solar panels of the rooftop and so forth.
- Electricity and water charges in the expenses in the common areas.
Where can you find the CAM charges in the building which interests you?
At CRE Matrix, we have analyzed over 1 Lakh lease documents across the country and many of these contain CAM charges. CRE Matrix is the India’s most favorite authentic analytics platform that allows stakeholders from different industries analyze CAM charges and much more.